Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blessing in disguise

Remember how i was complaining about the water shortage?

Even though it may seems so terrible in the eyes of a Singaporean, but if I choose to see it in faith. It is actually God's best way of training my to wake up! The water comes at 6am and I have no choice but to make up at 6 so that i can bathe and wash my clothes in peace. So i totally am forcing myself to wake up early and this actually gives my ample time to have a bit of prayer and Bible reading time:D Amazing isn't it?!  If it is not for this situation, I'll never have been able to wake up and with my day schedule, it is impossible to have any form of QT. So i gotta learn to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, even though i am already waking up at 7, but 6am will be much better:D

Faith is trusting what the eye can’t see.

Eyes see the prowling lion. Faith sees Daniel’s angel.

Eyes see storms. Faith sees Noah’s rainbow.

Your eyes see your faults. Your faith sees your Savior.

Your eyes see your guilt. Your faith sees his blood.

Got this from Princess blog! It is a great way for me to learn to change my perspective of my life in India:)

Oh i had such a great time chatting with QQ yesterday(even though we talked till VERY late and i couldn't wake up that early) but it made me realize how essential it is to have a good chat with your good friends once in a while:D

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