Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20
Ephesians 5:20
Oh yay! It's the best month of the year! Full of celebration and joy! Even though it has been really tiring lately due to all the late nights out, but i am happy:D Saturday went out whole day with Eugene, I learnt a lot of different stuff throughout the whole Saturday, from visiting jinhao's mum to my quiet time alone reading to the birthday celebration with eugene's friend. It's not an easy period, for many of my dear cell mates' families but I see all of us bonding together to show each other love, it makes me happy and grateful for my cell group:)
I also had a really great time of reading Bill Johnson's "the supernatural way of the transformed mind", I learnt a lot! One thing I am glad to achieve this year is the amount of Christian books I managed to read! I learnt so much and realized that reading is still one of my favorite thing to do! God taught me a lot through all my readings!:)
In the evening Eugene and I went to celebrate Chao Han's birthday with his friends. It was nice to get to know them and they are a really nice bunch of guys! Especially Alex who always cater to my special dietary needs! Even when I tell them not to:) and I didn't know there are so much good and free entertainment at sentosa! There is the lovely fireworks and jazz band on Saturday! It's nice and not crowded! It was a nice chillax evening~~ and chao han was very sweet, he even gave a mini speech to thank the guys for celebrating his birthday, cus normally he don't even celebrate.... Makes me appreciate people who celebrate mine! Actually I love birthdays! I love getting gifts and surprising people! But well I think guys dont really care that much~~
Recently my cell group also had two birthday celebration! For shining and lipingzzz! So happy and fun!! And our cell went for a late night chillax session! It's was so great too!!:))))
I must remember to blog down echo running man camp too!!! It was just so mad and crazy fun!!!!! I must remember the fun times!!!!
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